
Introducing Altru Verticals and Ecosystem Reports - Altru’s goal is to influence sustainable global impact. We do so by identifying global challenges, researching pioneers of new solutions, and presenting the most compelling proposals at our Annual Winter Summit in Davos.  We have identified four significant global challenges, or Verticals, where we can add unique value. We are working to identify the best […]
Curated Programming for Davos 2020 - The Altru Annual Winter Summit showcases innovative proposals to solve complex global challenges. From treating opioid addiction to removing plastic from the oceans, from making rapid cancer diagnosis accessible to developing countries to securing sustainable alternative energy sources, the initiatives presented in Davos inspire hope in a better future.  Through sessions, presentations, and receptions hosted […]
Private MET Tour for Altru Members. Play It Loud: Instruments of Rock & Roll. - As a special gift to Altru members, we are providing private tours with the MET Music Department. Jayson Dobney who is the curator of Play It Loud: Instruments of Rock & Roll walks the guest through the history of Rock & Roll. For the first time, a major museum exhibition explores the powerful relationship between […]
Altru News