Altru Innovation Platform

Altru’s central premise is that the big problems can be addressed with the creative innovation of scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs. Altru finds the important projects and help them scale.

The Altru Platform presents breakthroughs to a global audience the thought leaders and impact investors throughout the year using an integrated set of multi-media communications tool including articles, reports and video content. This enables us to leverage the Internet to reach a global audience on a continual basis.

A central component is a short (7-8 minute) video enables company to leverage the power of video the Internet to reach a global audience. Video can be provided by the company and must be approved by Altru or can be produced by Altru Media which uses a standard video format structure.

Communications. The following are the key components available to member companies:

  1. Editorial Coverage. Article in Newsletter.
  2. Posting on News Site.
  3. Executive Summary. A standard format investor one page.
  4. Landing Page on website. Complete summary the project.
  5. Community membership. PR plan. Outreach via social media to generate interest.

Policies.  All companies must be approved and be mission aligned with Altru.

Process. The process for preparation of this is simple and requires little management time. Company should send business plan, deck or materials any images or video content.

  • Schedule 30 minute interview with an Altru Editor.
  • Upon completion of interview, Altru will produce an article for its newsletter, news site and a 1 page summary. If company elects to utilize Altru Media to produce video these steps:
    • Company should assemble video or visual content.
    • Altru will create a script to be approved by company

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Altru News